Citizen’s Environmental and Social Concern (CESCo) says Zambia should begin to resort to alternative means of accessing electricity as opposed to depending on the country’s power utility company ZESCO.
This follows ZESSCO‘s application to the Energy Regulation Board ERB for the revision of connection fees for 2022.
Speaking to One Love Radio news CESCo executive director, Conwell Hakapya said it is high time Zambia began to push government to see to it that other sources of energy such as solar are subsidized and enhanced.
Mr. Hakapya further explained that with the high population in Zambia depending on ZESCO will risk and disadvantage the country’s environment as many people will resort to charcoal production.
“Because the appetite to depend on hydro energy especially ZESCO connectivity is a challenge so it is high time we began to go into other sources of energy like solar and wind farms if we can invest in such as a country,” he said.