Mr. Zhang said this during the Huawei eco-connect summit, an event that seeks to bring together business executives, business innovators, thought leaders, partners, and aspiring partners, with the aim to strengthen and build mutual partnerships through show-casing latest products and solutions.
Mr. Zhang highlighted the theme “growing together with partners” stressing that the on-going digital transformation requires ultra-efficient eco-systems that are customer driven, because customers are vital to sustainable partnerships and growth.
“The choice of the theme “growing with partners” demonstrates our immense value we attach to our customers and how vital partnerships have been throughout our years of operation. we collectively seek to deepen our understanding of the ever-changing industry demands, and to make timely responses to those demands through knowledge sharing with our partners through summits such as these,” he said.
Officiating at the event, Manager for enhanced value chains at the presidential delivery, Mr. Mulunga Shimbela said eco-connect aligns well with one of governments key pillars of digitalization and digital inclusion in the 8th national development plan and he commended huawei for introducing eco-connect.
“I want to thank huawei for this well-thought-out summit and also for making efforts to introduce it to Zambia. This summit reiterates your commitment to always bring Zambia up to speed where technology is concerned and also to integrate global ict trends into Zambia’s budding digital society,” Mr. Shimbela said.
He explained that the presidential delivery unit is keen on programs such as eco-connect because digital transformation is key to propelling social and economic development on so many levels, adding that partnerships are vital.
“What we are having here today goes beyond mere interaction but it is a demonstration that no one succeeds in isolation. We all need partnerships to turn around things. Therefore, the partnership component in technology cannot be over-emphasized, because creating and growing partnerships contributes a great deal to growth and sustainable development which by all means my government is advocating for’’ he said.