Recently there have many exciting opportunities opening up for children and young people to participate in children’s parliaments and in children’s councils.

Examples have been noted from countries around the world such as Bangladesh, Bolivia, Democratic Republic of Congo, India and Lebanon.

There are an impressive number of bright and inspiring children and young people who are interested in contributing to public debate and influencing decisions that affect their lives.

Zambia hosted the African Union childrens parliament that took place between 16th and 17th of July 2022 in Lusaka, as part of the African Union Economic, social and Cultural council (AU-ECOSOCC) pan African month-themed activities.

Ministry of community development and social services Minister Doreen Mwamba said that her office is available to make the change children have been crying for as she is equally an ambassador for children’s rights.

Meanwhile, speaking in an interview with one love radio, Save the Children International Zambia called on African leaders to ensure that children are actively involved in decision making regarding issues affecting their wellbeing.

Organization Regional Manager for Advocacy and Campaign for Eastern and Southern Africa Malama Mwila says governments should recognize parliament for children so as to understand challenges children are facing across the globe.

Mr.Mwila said that his organization and that of partners will take keen interest on the reports presented and ensure that all is done to lobby for its implemented.

“It was an interesting event to see children come together and present inssues of such magnitude. As an organization together with our partners will we do our part by ensuring that we lobby for support from government for children participation in matters which affect them” Mr Mwila said.

The event brought together children from over 10 countries to discuss and find possible solutions on issues children are facing in different places around Africa and how to make an Africa fit for children. 

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