The Church fraternity has mourned the death of Former Information and Broadcasting Services Minister in the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy -MMD Government Bishop Ronnie Shikapwasha.

Speaking to One Love Radio News the Independent Churches of Zambia ICOZ described him as a bishop leader that many people looked up to.

ICOZ President Dr. Bishop David Masupa said the Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha provided wise solutions to many outcomes that needed his attention.

Dr. Masupa further encouraged the family, the church and Zambia at large to follow in his good footsteps for a better society.

“We really want to convey our deepest condolences as the Independent Churches of Zambia over the demise of the general who was also the general in the Lord,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia EFZ expressed its heartfelt condolences to the Shikapwasha family, the church, and the nation for the untimely passing of Lt. General Shikapwasha.

EFZ Executive Director Bishop Andrew Mwenda said EFZ fraternity and Zambia at Large has lost a friend and a leader.

Bishop Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha (Rtd) who died on Monday evening at Maina Soko military hospital after suffering gunshot wounds, was former Minister of Information, former Air Force Commander and former Keembe Member of Parliament.

May His Soul Rest in Peace.

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